Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My sweetie...

This morning I woke up with a migraine. I haven't had one in a while actually, which is awesome. But usually I get lucky and get them at night. Waking up at 0530 with pain like that completely sucks. Especially since I was planning on going in extra early this morning for some inservices. Instead, I took some pain pills and went back to sleep. N got me an icepack for my head, I put on my sleeping mask, and he cuddled me until it was better. It actually still isn't completely gone, but it got better enough to go to work.

So then on the way to work I called N to thank him again for being so sweet. He takes such good care of me. I had a meeting at work and was talking about him, and the ladies in the meeting were all saying how good he is. This is something I know, but sometimes I realize it again.

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