Monday, December 22, 2008


So we went the weekend in Arizona with my mom. It was really good to see her. She seems very happy and their little conod is adorable. But still, I don't get it. I wouldn't live out there if you paid me. I know it is cold in Minnesota (not as cold as some people would like to think, but that's another issue), and sometimes N and I like to get out for a while in the middle of winter and go somewhere warm. But only for a short time, and then I look forward to being at home. Call me crazy, but it's December. December is supposed to be cold. A vacation is one thing, but having no winter at all would just depress me. And then I would rather be in Florida...Arizona is depressing.

On the lighter side, we did have fun. We saw some cool stuff, my mom was so excited to show off her home, we did our little Christmas present exchange. Also cool was that I got to see my friend D and his apartment. I miss him and hate that we don't see each other often, so I'm glad I got a chance to see his place and catch up a little.

Now I'm back at work, which is blah, but it's a short week.

1 comment:

Nicholas said...

I could go on for hours about how people here think that Minnesota is cold all year round. Some of them are convinced that it below freezing all year round. It is amazing really.