Tuesday, June 2, 2009


There are so many moments when I think, "Oh, I have to blog about this." And right now, I can remember none of them. I know I threatened N with a blog about something he said last week, and now I have no idea what it was. I should really write this stuff down. Ha ha.

So Amber made a good point about my last post, which was that I am doing therapy for me, not for N. And I didn't mean to imply that I was, or that I wouldn't do it if he didn't get it. It's just that he and I talk about everything. And I don't want him to worry that I won't talk to him if I have a different outlet or something. I just want him to understand what really goes on there, ad I think that now he does. Do I think he'll make a return visit at any point? I highly doubt it. But at least now he's expressed an understanding that I need it, which helps.

We celebrated my mom's birthday last night. It's really on Thursday, but she's planning on leaving tomorrow and N has his softball game tonight. So I made a cake and balloon animals (I used to do clowning for birthday parties and I knew my mom would get a kick out of seeing the ballon animals again.) Before dinner we went to see Up in 3-D and I have to say, it was wonderful. I'm glad we saw it in 3-D, since it was available, but even without that, it was a beautiful story. I cried more than once, and I laughed a lot too. And my mom enjoyed it, which was the point. So go see it.

1 comment:

~AD said...

I've heard a lot of good reviews of Up! I might have to go check it out.

From what I've read about your relationship with N (which is admittedly not a ton, but still), I don't think he's got anything to worry about in regards to your not being able to talk to him. ;) That doesn't mean he WON'T worry about it, but he shouldn't.

Anyway, the thing that made my husband "get it" was that I stopped blowing up at him all the time, because I could take any given issue into therapy with me and process it without anger--then come home and not be crawling all over his butt for something that wasn't even a big deal.

I'm always meaning to blog things and then forgetting them, too. And they're awesome ideas, dangit.