Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MN fun

Before I went to bed last night I got up to over 3400 words, so I'm on target after day 2. They say to write more in the first week, to make it easier later in the month, but I only had 897 the first day, so it was a lot to catch up last night.

This weekend we went to a Gophers game at the new stadium. It was really fun, although cold. I had on a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt, a fleece vest and my windbreaker. Then I was thinking about how 40 degrees is totally different in October than in April. Next spring, when it hits 40 degress, I'll probably be in short sleeves.

Anyway, it was fun to see the Gophers win, and to learn all the little audience participation stuff that the NFL doesn't have. Each time the Gophers scores, the crowd yells "M - I - N - N - E - S - O - T - A! Minnesota! Minnesota! Ya-a-a-ay, Gophers!" Hee hee. And I still have no idea what Ski-u mah means*, but okay. :) It's all part of the "Minnesota Rouser," which has its own entry on Wikipedia.

The best part, of course, was the marching band. They were awesome. And of course, as an old band geek, I was trying to find something to criticize. There wasn't much. They did a Halloween half time show (since it was on Halloween), and they played the theme from Ghostbusters, The Time Warp, and Thriller. During Thriller they put down their instruments and did the dance. So cute!

*I actually do, because I read the entry after I wrote that sentence. :)

1 comment:

~AD said...

You are so far ahead of me in word count. I think at the end of the second day, I was at 254.

And then I deleted it all and started over again.
