Saturday, November 7, 2009


Okay, so I really wanted to put a Nanowrimo widget on my site, and I finally figured out how to do it! Yay! Although, it's not the one I wanted, but the one I wanted did not have my accurate wordcount for some reason. Boo.

I had breakfast with a friend this morning. She used to work with me, but she quit. Boo again. Anyway, it was super fun to see her again. And I brought home a Pina Colada muffin for N, which he loved.

Tonight we're going to the Ordway to see The Full Monty. I can't wait!

1 comment:

~AD said...

You're more than a fifth of the way done! Woot!

I am still waiting for that Writing Buddy invite...hrmpf. ;)

What's in a pina colada muffin? Sounds tasty.