Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday stuff

So I did go to Borders and buy more books...yay! And while I was there I picked up a copy of Twilight and started re-reading it because my copy was loaned out and the movie comes out today and I was getting antsy. So I read a few chapters before I could stop myself. Then I got a text yesterday from the person borrowing it, saying she was done. Of course I went right to her house to retrieve after work. So she probably think I'm crazy. But how can I nitpick the movie if I don't have all the book's details fresh in my mind. I'm not going tonight because we already had plans to go to the Timberwolves game, and I still have a few chapters left. But I'm going to see it tomorrow. It will disappoint me, I can already tell from the trailer. But hopefully it will still be a little bit good.

I am so excited that it's Friday. I don't know why, but this week has been exceptionally busy and I am so excited about relaxing. And next week is only three days! Woo-hoo! And tomorrow is my husband's god-daughter's first birthday, so that's fun.

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