Tuesday, May 5, 2009

anger issues

I think I have anger issues.

Last night at Wal-Mart (also known in our household as Satan's World) I had a serious I-am-going-to-kill-someone moment. The night before I had spent almost two hours uploading, reorienting, and resizing a bunch of photos to be printed. This is the only reason I wold go through Wal-Mart, because the whole photo thing is cheap and easy. (Insert joke here). Anyway, I got there yesterday and all the photos were 4X6, with no changes. I seriously freaked out. And I am not good with confrontation, but I did manage to express my pissiness. Of course, it's Wal-Mart, so no one cared. Customer service is about the last thing I'd expect. So after only paying for the ones that were supposed to 4X6 and unchanged, I went home and cried all over N. And he suggested that I order them again, from a different Wal-Mart, so I didn't have to go back to the same people, which I did. He's picking them up today. I was really upset because I am all about this picture project and I am proud of myself for finally starting it, and I want to get it done before my mom gets here in a few weeks. But I think my reaction may have been out of proportion.

Also, there was a traffic incident this morning, in which the horn and both of my middle fingers were used. Let's just say, you can't change lanes whenever you feel like it and expect no reaction. But again, my reaction may have been over done.

And the third time was just now. Catching up on a blog that I recently started following, I realized that a post was directed at me. It made me a little angry, for several reasons. I made the comment a while ago, and I thought it to be calm and reasonable, inviting a friendly debate. Apparently the other blogger didn't feel that way. She felt I "blindsided" her with debate, and that I passed off my opinions as fact. I certainly don't think I expressed my opinions any differently than she did in the post. I stated what I believe. I don't put question marks after solid beliefs, as a rule. And I didn't realize that she wouldn't be up for a debate. When I knew her briefly in college, I remember her being up for things like that. I also noted in the comment that I wasn't trying to start anything, and that I respected her opinions. If I didn't, I wouldn't have bothered to post a comment. Clearly she does not have the same respect for my opinion. That's fine. Then let me know about that. You know where to find my blog, and you know how to respond with another comment, which she did. Don't write a whole post about how you don't want to debate and you resent my comment. And yes, I realize I am being hypocritical about that last point by writing this post. It's part of my charm.

In any case, I'm not catering to any childish wish to hear no feedback. You did have the choice not to publish the comment. Either I read and I respond to it if I feel the urge, or I don't read. I do respect a person't right to her own opinion. But I don't blow smoke up anyone's ass. That's not who I am.

On the other hand, when I stopped following her blog and wrote a curt comment in response, I may have over done it. I know she's going through some stuff, which I could have taken into consideration. And I could have just ignored it and moved on, keeping my decision to comment no longer to myself. Coulda woulda shoulda. What can I say? I have anger issues.


Biddie said...

Wal-Mart is my hell away from home :) I am always there - you are so right about the customer service, but what can I say? I just got hotdogs for $1.47.
I had a rather mean spirited post directed at me a couple of days ago. What I ever did to piss of this person is beyond me. I pretty much stopped any interaction with her when I found out that she lied to me about having a terminal illness (among things). I have not said one word to any of the fellow bloggers about this. Still, she slags me every chance that she gets. I am trying to ignore it, but it bothers me. And, it hurts cuz I am baby about these things. Silly, isn't it?

Truth-Monkey said...

I don't think it's silly...we all have the things we react to, and we can't always control how it makes us feel. We can try to control what we do about those feelings, which it seems like you are trying to do, and I am trying as well. Good luck to us both. :)